Overriding parameters:
two ways:
à defparam statement
à module_instance parameter value assignments
defparam statement
module hello_world;
parameter id_num =0 ; //define module id=0
$display (“…….”);
module top;
defparam w1.id_num=1, w2.id_num=2;
//change parameter value in the instantiated module
Hello_world w1(); // instantiate two hello_world modules
Hello_world w2();
Module Instance Parameter Values:
module top;
Hello_world #(1) w1; //pass value 1 to module w1
Hello_world #(.id_num(2)) w2; // pass value 2 to id_num parameter for module w2
Conditional Compilation:
->use : ‘ifdef,’ifndef,’else,’elseif and ‘endif
->these directives can appear anywhere in the design
->can conditionally compile statements, modules,blocks,declarations and other compiler directives
->a Boolean expression is not allowed with the ‘ifdef’ statement
Conditional Execution :
->all statements are compiled but executed conditionally
->conditional execution flags can be used only for behavioral statements
->used system task keyword : ->$test$plusargs
Time Scales :
->provides different delay for modules in a single simulation
Syntax :
‘timescale ->/
->only 1,10 and 100 are valid integers for specifying time unit and time precision
Verilog HDL modules are very informatics and very simply describe especially defparam statement, Module Instance Parameter Values, Conditional Execution and Time Scales.
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