Generate Blocks :
--> keywords : generate , endgenerate
--> Generated instantiations can be one or more of the following types :
--> modules
--> user defined primitives
--> gate primitives
--> continuous assignments
--> ’initial’ and ‘always’ blocks
There are 3 methods to create generate statements :
--> generate loop
--> generate conditional
--> generate case
--> ’generate’ are like ‘macro’ in C : will be replaced by actual codes by the simulator
--> ’genvar’ is a keyword used to declare variables that are used only in the evaluation of generate block. ‘genvar’ do not exist during simulation of the design.
--> the value of ‘genvar’ can be defined only by generate loop
--> generate loop can be nested . however 2 generate loops using the same ‘genvar’ as an index variable cannot be nested
Generate Loop :-
//eg : a bit-wise XOR of two N-bit bases
module bitwise _xor(out,i0,i1);
parameter N=32; //bus width
output [N-1 :0] out;
input [N-1 : 0] i0.i1;
genvar j; //declare a temporary loop variable; does not exist during the simulation
generate for (j=0;j<N;j=j+1) begin : xor_loop
xor g1 (out[j],i0[j],i1[j]);
end //end of for loop
endgenerate //end of generate block
//alternative method given below
reg [N-1 :0] out;
generate for (j=0;j<N;j=j+1) begin :bit
always @(i0[j] or i1[j]) out [j]=i0[j]^i1[j];
endgenerate */
Generate Conditional :-
Eg :
if (a0_width <8) || (a1_width<8)
Cla_multiplier # (a0_width) mo(product,a0,a1);
Generate Case :
Eg : generate
0 : -----------
1 : ------------
default : ----------------
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